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Yulia Zheng. A visual worker based in Los Angeles.

First going to learn fine art at Shanghai University. Major in Printmaking. Familiar with various types of prints. Then she begins to strive as a graphic designer at Otis College of Art and Design. Understanding needs, rational analysis, and perfect aesthetic implementation are her strengths. If you have any problem that needs to be solved or any idea that needs to be completed, she is the best person to help.

My Work


Breast Care is a charitable organization that works to research breast cancer, raises public awareness of breast cancer prevention, and provides free breast examinations to women through raising money through trade. 

Branding Design, 2020


Drawing Voice is an app for children’s art education, which aims to help children aged 3-12 learn basic knowledge about art through play and improve their artistic literacy. 

App Design, 2021


Shanghai Stray Dog Prevention Alliance is a voluntary organization initiated by me and my volunteers in cooperation with adoption centers and pet shops. The organization aims to reduce the number of stray dogs in Shanghai by promoting knowledge about how to keep pet dogs and raising people’s awareness of dog ownership.

Branding Design, 2022

Event Design, 2021

Time Zone Workshop is a non-existent workshop, I was just considering: What is our current sense of time and space?

截屏2022-08-05 01_edited_edited.jpg

FIND IN is a social networking site where would upload medium to large events. Something like exhibitions, fairs, music festivals, parades, sports competitions.

Brand Identity, 2022


Chinese Medicine Package is a three-type medicine package aimed at the general sub-health of designers. It covers several major diseases commonly suffered by young people at present, such as bone and joint system problems, digestive system problems, and increasingly younger cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Package Design, 2020


0o% is the outcome of the innovation of technology. Human may have invented technology, but technology regulates the world. 0o% (OZO) addresses the idea that the supreme being can be in any form, not necessarily something natural, but something invented by humans. 

Concept Design, Group Work 2022


Four posters of a series based on the Woman's Building Image Archive collection. Woman's Building (1973-1991) fostered the feminist art movement in Los Angeles.

Poster Design, Group Work 2022

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